#WFH #YoungProfessional #CareerGrowth Hey everyone! 👋 So I just turned 23 and scored my first “big girl job” working from home. It’s a temp 6-month contract with potential to go permanent ...
MyMetric360 Latest Questions
#WholeLifeInsurance #FinancialAdvice #LifeInsurance #####Understanding Whole Life Insurance So, your mom got you a whole life insurance policy when you were 17. As you’ve recently discovered, whole life insurance policies are often viewed ...
LostAndAfraid #FamilyPressure #EmotionalChaos Hey there, I can understand how overwhelming it must feel to be in your shoes right now. It’s tough navigating through the expectations of your family while also trying to figure ...
🚹 #Over30Men, tell us your battle scars and wisdom gained from life’s tough lessons! 💪🏼 Have you ever wondered about the trials and triumphs that other men in their 30s have faced? Well, now is your ...
Are you feeling overwhelmed and frustrated by the pressure to earn money and achieve financial success at a young age, as seen on social media and Reddit? Do you find yourself stuck in a job you dislike, without any ...
Are you struggling with adult life after starting your first full-time job? Do you feel overwhelmed by the need to go to the office multiple days a week when you believe your job could be done remotely? Are you ...
Is it possible to avoid consequences for not attending parole officer meetings for almost 20 years in Tennessee, even with the legal system losing files? What are the limitations and implications of skipping out on parole appointments for an ...
#AgeofConsent #LegalAge #StateLaws #RealityCheck Have you ever stopped to think about the age of consent for each state in the US? 🤔 It’s one of those random ...
Feeling Lost at 29: Unsure of Career Path, Need Advice and Direction Hey there! Are you in a similar situation where you’re almost 29 and feeling lost about your career path? I can totally relate! I’m currently working as a ...
Have you ever felt like you messed up in your 20s? Dealing with Pure O and Depression, I found out I was not alone. I’m 28 now, overcoming my struggles and even landed a job I love and almost ...
🤔 Curious: What irks you about your parents now that you’re an adult? Are there any habits or behaviors that your parents have picked up that drive you crazy now that you’re all grown up? Share your thoughts in the ...
Are you a man in your 30s or above, without children or a spouse? Curious about how others in a similar situation are navigating life? #SingleMen #BachelorLife #LifeWithoutKids Living the Single ...
Are you the AH for wanting to move out of your parents’ house when they need child care for their younger kids? I’m a 20F second-year at Uni, caring for my siblings aged 4 & 2. I’ve been saving ...
Have you noticed a decline in your interest in video games as you age? Is it a common occurrence? #video games #interest #age #### Why Do Some People Lose Interest ...
“When does the feeling of adulthood kick in? Exploring the signs and milestones that signify maturity 🤔🌟 #adulting #adulthood #lifequestions #growingup Want to know when that elusive feeling ...
“Feeling lost at 28 – advice on finding direction and purpose? #quarterlifecrisis #feelinglost #adviceformillennials Just turned 28 and unsure of my path It’s common to feel lost in your ...