#FinancialAdvice #DebtManagement #MovingOut Hey everyone! 👋 I recently landed a new job making over $135k a year and I’m faced with the decision of whether to move out of my parents’ ...
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#NewJob #MovingOut #DebtManagement Debt Overview: Are you feeling overwhelmed by your debt and considering moving out of your parent’s house? It’s important to take a closer look at your financial situation before making any big ...
#LivingWithParents #MovingOut #FinancialPlanning Hey everyone! 👋 I need your advice on a big decision I have to make. I’m 28, just graduated law school, and luckily have no debt. I have ...
#CareerAdvice #JobSearch #LifeChoices Hey everyone! 👋 So, I recently turned 26 and I’m feeling a bit lost in terms of my career path. I have a history degree, but I’ve been ...
#FinancialIndependence #MovingOut #Investing #ETFs #PersonalFinance Considering Long-Term ETF Investing for Financial Independence At 22 years old and debt-free, you have set yourself in a strong position for financial independence. ...
#MovingOut #LivingIndependently #LifeExperience Is It Time to Spread Your Wings? So, you’re 25 and contemplating whether or not to move out of your childhood home. It’s a big decision, and one that many young adults ...
#CareerPath #CareerChange #JobSearch #SkillsDevelopment Hey everyone! 👋 So, I’m hitting 31 and feeling a bit lost on the whole career path situation. I’ve been in retail for a ...
🏡 #MovingOutDecision 💸 #FinancialIndependence Hey everyone! I need some advice 😅 I’m 27 years old, living in Mississauga, ON with my parents. I have a stable job in Toronto, making around 82k. I’ve ...
#SelfLove #PersonalGrowth #Forgiveness 🌿 Let’s talk about something important – forgiveness and self-love. Remember, we’re all just kids getting older and trying our best. Here’s some food for thought: – It’s ...
#DebatingMovingOut #RelationshipWoes #FinancialStress #FamilyDilemma Hey there, Twitter fam! 🐦 I need your help navigating a tricky situation with my boyfriend. So, here’s the scoop: after 8 rollercoaster years ...
#CareerTip: Have no idea what to do in life after 25 or 30? 🤔 Try the OHWY rule! Hey there, fellow millennials! Let’s chat about the ever-evolving work landscape. As more companies shift online, hybrid work ...
Are you struggling with adult life after starting your first full-time job? Do you feel overwhelmed by the need to go to the office multiple days a week when you believe your job could be done remotely? Are you ...
“Want more friends as an adult? Say ‘Yes’ to new invites! How to seize rare friendship opportunities in your adult life #FriendshipTips #MakingFriends #SayingYesToInvites Why Saying ‘Yes’ Matters – In school, making ...
“Feeling lost at 23: Need career change suggestions after working as a restaurant GM and studying psychology. Any ideas to help me find my path? #careeradvice #changingpaths #lostat23” Background Studying Psychology – ...
#SportsFans #Multitasking #Socializing #Adulting #TechAddiction Guys who watch live sports on their phone while they’re supposed to be socializing with family or friends are ...
Are you feeling lost at 30 with uncertainty about your future? Looking for advice on how to stay motivated and find a way out of this tunnel? #lostat30 #motivationtips #lifeadvice ...