This is the heartbreaking story of a young woman, referred to as the narrator, who went through an unimaginably difficult time after the father of her child, her fiancé, not only kicked her and their three-week-old infant out but also broke up with her in the most degrading way possible. As she shares her painful experience, it becomes evident that there were so many reasons for her to feel hurt and devastated.
The narrator begins by explaining the commitment they had as a couple. They were together for four years and were even engaged. Her fiancé proposed to her when she was seven months pregnant, showing that he was truly dedicated to their relationship and saw a future with her and their child. The commitment extended to the point where he asked her father for permission to propose, signifying a strong bond between their families as well.
After going through the entire process of pregnancy and giving birth to their daughter, the narrator expected to be met with love and support. However, she was blindsided by hurtful and degrading words from her fiancé just two weeks after giving birth. He criticized her physical appearance, stating that she had let herself go, despite the fact that she had already lost a significant amount of weight postpartum. Not only did he insult her physically, but he also claimed not to love or respect her anymore.
To make matters worse, the narrator recounts a shocking incident where her fiancé recorded himself breaking up with her while she was completely naked and sobbing in their living room. This occurred while she was severely sleep-deprived and battling COVID-19 along with her three-week-old baby. The narrator expresses the intense emotional toll this took on her, considering the immense responsibilities and challenges she was already facing as a new mother. The fact that she was trying to keep her newborn and herself alive during this difficult time makes the betrayal and abandonment even more devastating.
After being kicked out of the house they had prepared for their daughter’s arrival, the narrator’s parents came to her rescue and took her and the baby in. She believed, perhaps naively, that her fiancé would realize his mistake and apologize, but instead, he sent the breakup video to her father, attempting to portray her as the unstable and insane one. The narrator’s father reacted with shock and anger, wanting to protect his daughter from further harm and suggesting they fight for full custody of the baby, given the father’s behavior and actions.
As time goes by, the narrator discovers that her ex-fiancé has started dating someone new, adding to her pain and confusion. Just a few weeks later, she learns that he has been sentenced to four years in prison after getting drunk at a bar and threatening two people with his gun. This comes as a shock, as the narrator had never seen him in any kind of trouble before. While this is a relief in some ways, it adds to her mixed emotions and the complexities of the situation.
The narrator’s daughter is now ten months old, and they continue to live with her parents. As she shares her story, she acknowledges that it feels good to release her thoughts and emotions through writing. However, she is still deeply hurt, heartbroken, and angry. She remains confused about how she will recover from the trauma and whether she will ever be able to fully move on.
In conclusion, the narrator’s experience is a harrowing tale of betrayal, heartbreak, and resilience. Despite going through immense emotional pain and hardship, she is determined to create the best life possible for her daughter. It is clear that she has a long road ahead towards healing and finding closure in this devastating chapter of her life.
What are you asking for advice on?
Try therapy.
Sounds like he’s mentally unwell and isn’t safe for you or your daughter.
Either way remember this and if he ever crawls back don’t fall for his bs.
Make sure you get that full legal custody. Your sperm donor was not ready to be a father and it broke him.
You need to prioritize your mental health and your child’s health and safety.
You don’t need an apology from this guy. Your dad’s right; you need to protect your child and yourself from him. He’s abusive. Stay away from him. Forever.
You are probably having postpartum depression. Talk to your doctor about the symptoms you have been experiencing. You are not crazy. You are a new mom who has had a very difficult experience. You need to time to adjust and heal. Your body and mind have been through a lot. Be kind to yourself and surround yourself with people who love you.
Sounds like you dodged a bullet. I am so sorry this happened to you. It actually sounds like your BF had a mental break.
I am so glad you have family that can support you and agree that you need to make sure you have complete custody of the infant.
You are going to be miserable for a while. You’ll grieve the relationship and the rejection and it is going to suck, but feel those feels and remember them if that loser ever tries to get back with you.
Try to find joy in your baby. That baby needs a healthy mother and you can give her that.
I am so sorry for what you went through. There are no words. I can barely begin to imagine the pain, shock and humiliation you went through and I don’t know how one recovers from that either. It sounds like you have supportive parents so that is one thing in your favor. Sometimes, and I know from experience, the worst betrayals come from the people closest to us when we find out the person we thought we knew best was someone we didn’t know at all.
Therapy, please! Full custody!
What is the question for advice here.
Definitely get full custody him being in jail should help. Sounds like he’s the one having some sort of weird psychotic break. Just be happy you didn’t marry him before this and also be happy he never used that gun on you. You literally dodged a bullet. Take care of that baby get back on your feet okay thank goodness you have supportive parents and if you two own that home together sell it. Get back some of the money you put into it and make sure you get all your stuff out of it.
I’m so glad you had your dad and he was there for you like that.
Wow, I am glad you are in a safe place. I get it men struggle with child birth too, but thank god for his actions that landed him in prison and you safely away from him.
I feel like crying reading this. You’ve been through hell. Hold your head high mama. You got this.
It is horrible what you had to go through. I am glad you and your baby are alive. From the description he had psychosis and was violent, and you both were too close to be really hurt or murdered.
As an advice: talk to a lawyer. I assume the video of you naked that was recorded without your knowledge and was sent to your father will be very helpful in getting full custody and a future restraining order for you and your daughter. The way he did it sounds like “revenge porn”.
What goes around comes around. You can get him in trouble for sending naked videos of you around too. What a scumbag. Glad he’s locked up!
Dude seems like a psycho, that’s the breakup move with recording after you find out you’ve been cheated on. Not when your new mom partner is still out of shape. Dudes heartless and vane. Doesn’t feel like it now but this is a good thing. Still have life left to live.
He really wanted to have sex 3 weeks after birth? WTF? And you went along with it? Double WTF?
If there’s anyone needing help because they’re crazy it’s HIM, not you. You just gave bloody birth to his child and he’s dating some-one like he’s a bachelor plus he ends up in jail to booth. This relationship is fucked, no recovering from this. Focus on yourself and your daughter, leave that deadweight behind and never look back. Nothing good will come out of your and him trying to keep some kind of ‘relationship’. 27 years old, a father and yet still behaving like a 12 year old teen, damn. Poor kid.
What a monster to start recording you instead of help you, I am glad he is in prison, now that is Karma at its finest.
I’m so glad that your dad is looking out for you and your baby.
I’m so sorry that your ex fiance turned out to be so awful.
It’s gonna take time to heal. Therapy will help you to process and move forward in a healthy way, and I hope that you will pursue it. You and your daughter will have an amazing life and future, it sounds like your dad is taking every step to ensure your safety and your daughter’s safety.
Give yourself some grace! This all sounds incredibly traumatic and it is NOT your fault at ALL. Some people are masterful manipulators and you don’t know how they really are until it’s too late.
I hope you find a good lawyer and a compassionate judge, so that neither of you ever have to see your abuser again!! (edit : I know he’s locked up for 4 years, but 4 years goes by quick)
Well that is quite insane there. But it happens more often than not. You are not wrong here . Ok you are a victim so is your daughter. You have the right to gain weight , it’s natural, you have the right to have emotional swings on the extreme level. This is all normal. You have the right to beat yourself up because your world came crashing down. Video or no video .
Your boyfriend, man / child …. Is supposed to support 120 percent and above especially when you’re in dire straits. That’s what partners do. Carry the other when the other cannot stand. Not take videos and mock you , to your family also.
I am so sorry you and baby went through this.
I am also very happy you have your father to fall back on, sounds like an honourable man, tell him I say so. Some people don’t even have that. So for now you are safe.
As for your maggot , leave him be , let him stay in jail with the other lowlifes. Keep your daughter safe and away at all costs. Get custody, because he got caught with a gun it’s justified.
Any guess what ….. he did you a favour better to get rid of him now then in the future .
As for revenge and wanting to reject him …. Don’t bother let it go.
If you open the door a creak he will storm in .
He will mess up that girl.
He’s dead to you.