#MovieTheaterEtiquette #DoubleFeature #MovieMarathon
🍿When you walk out of a movie, is there anything stopping you from just walking into another theater and watching a whole other movie? 🎬
Have you ever been so enthralled by a movie that you didn’t want the experience to end? Or maybe you were less than impressed and wanted to redeem your theater visit by watching something else? The idea of sneaking into another movie after the one you paid for has likely crossed the minds of many moviegoers at some point. Whether it’s the allure of a double feature or simply the desire to make the most of your time at the theater, the temptation is real. But is it really as easy as it seems? Let’s explore the logistics and ethics of sneaking into another movie at the theater.
##The Ethics of Sneaking Into Another Movie
It’s important to consider the ethical implications of attempting to sneak into another movie at the theater. While it may seem harmless to some, it’s essential to remember that sneaking into a movie without purchasing a ticket is essentially stealing. Movie theaters rely on ticket sales to stay in business and continue providing entertainment to audiences. By bypassing the ticketing process, you’re taking advantage of the system and potentially depriving the theater of revenue. Additionally, it’s important to respect the rules and regulations set forth by the theater, as well as the efforts of the employees who work hard to uphold them.
##The Logistics of Sneaking Into Another Movie
While the ethical considerations are clear, the logistics of actually sneaking into another movie are worth examining. After all, if it were as simple as walking into another theater undetected, many people would likely give in to the temptation. Here are a few factors to consider:
###Ticket Checking
In many theaters, ushers or employees are stationed at the entrance to each theater to check tickets as patrons enter. This serves as the first line of defense against those attempting to sneak in without a ticket. However, it’s not uncommon for ushers to be preoccupied or momentarily out of view, presenting an opportunity for would-be movie hoppers.
###Security Measures
Some theaters may have additional security measures in place to prevent unauthorized entry into a movie. This could include ticket scanning systems, security cameras, or other technology designed to monitor theater access and ensure that only paying customers are admitted.
###The Honor System
As mentioned in the original question, it seems that theaters understand that people have better things to do than to be at the movies for 6+ hours. That and the honor system. The honor system relies on moviegoers to be honest and follow the established guidelines for theater entry. While it may not be foolproof, the honor system relies on the integrity of patrons to do the right thing and support the theater by purchasing tickets for each movie they attend.
##The Risks and Consequences
While it may be tempting to sneak into another movie, it’s important to consider the potential risks and consequences of doing so. These may include:
###Legal Ramifications
Sneaking into a movie without purchasing a ticket could be considered trespassing or theft, depending on the specific circumstances and local laws. If caught, you could face legal repercussions, including fines or other penalties.
###Damage to Reputation
Getting caught trying to sneak into another movie could damage your reputation with the theater and its staff. This could result in being banned from the theater or facing embarrassment and confrontation with employees or other patrons.
###Ethical Implications
As previously discussed, there are ethical implications to consider when attempting to sneak into another movie. By bypassing the established ticketing process, you’re essentially taking advantage of the system and depriving the theater of revenue.
Ultimately, while the allure of sneaking into another movie at the theater may be tempting, it’s important to consider the ethical considerations, logistical challenges, and potential consequences before attempting to do so. Rather than trying to cheat the system, consider exploring legitimate options for making the most of your theater visit, such as opting for a double feature or planning future visits to see additional movies. By respecting the rules and regulations of the theater, you can support the entertainment industry and contribute to a positive moviegoing experience for all patrons. Remember, honesty is the best policy, even at the movies.
Nothing, people do this all the time
I imagine they rely on people not wanting to spend 4 hours in the theater or having someplace else to be. A few people doing it probably doesn’t hurt their bottom line. Not that I know anything about the movie business, but I do know that I have never once gotten out of a movie in the theater and thought “you know what would be great right now? Immediately sitting through another movie”.
The fact that I have kids and have to get back to them.
Yeah, a couple friends of mine used to spend their entire Saturdays doing this most weekends. They basically saw every movie.
On the flip side being in theaters for six hours means buying overpriced food where the real money is at
Your dignity.
A lot of theaters have assigned seating these days. I guess you could sit down low where your neck is cranked at a 90 degree angle?
Former theater usher here. People do it all the time.
It would cost theaters more to try to catch people than to let them stay.
They’d almost certainly have to hire additional workers to monitor people going into and out of the theaters, have some sort of method to actually *track* who’s in what theater, maybe install more security cameras, have someone else monitoring *those*, then spend time gathering evidence for court and then appearing in court.
The police can’t be relied on to enforce this; usually they’ll just say it’s a civil case. Most prosecutors have way bigger fish to fry than some teenager seeing an extra movie.
If they wrongly accuse someone they wasted a lot of resources and can be in deep shit from a countersuit.
All this to catch a handful of people “stealing” a $15 movie.
The theaters likely *make* more money from people watching multiple movies, from increased concession sales.
At worst they would ask you to leave and you would like a loser in front of everyone.
I used to do this nearly every week but I would buy a new drink or popcorn between movies so my conscience was clear.
It doesn’t actually cost the theater any more to play a movie to a full theater, than to an empty one.
Movie theaters make their money off of the concessions and not the ticket sales, so technically it’d be in their best interest if you stayed there all day and kept ordering more non refillable foods (best case scenario for them).
Worst case for them is that you know you’ll be there all day and start the day by upgrading your drink and popcorn to have free refills, but they’ll still make more money since they got the upcharge.
They’ll make more with that extra $5 than they could lose by you potentially trying to refill your way into making them take a net loss on the sale
Look, if you’re going to do it, buy something from the concessions stand first. That’s how the theater pays their employees, not through ticket sales. Holding some snacks will encourage the ushers to look the other way.
I HATED the boy and the heron.
Nothing is stopping you, however depending on how busy the theatre is, staff may check the cinemas at random intervals.
They can see how many people have purchased tickets, so in a session with only 5 booked tickets and 6 people sitting in, its pretty obvious you’re not supposed to be there.
If it’s busy, as long as you aren’t making a fuss or sitting in someone else’s seat, there’s no way anyone is putting in the effort to stop you.
Seeing as how my friend and I and her two sons walked into Barbie this summer, despite having bought tickets online, I’d say it happens. There was no one anywhere in the lobby or even in the hallways to the theaters checking tickets.
My god. I’ve wandered (and flirted with the idea of doing this) all my life. After every single movie.
This was pretty much the genx day. Except we also didn’t pay to get into the first movie.
Your ambition just needs to be slightly greater than the theater workers apathy.
I used to do it back in the day, but since Covid theaters have been having assigned seats so it’s near impossible.
I used to do this as a kid. They make their money off concession sales so it’s a non-issue
You guys grew up too sheltered
>… and probably illegal…
We will call the cinema police….
I get too antsy to sit through another movie right away
Not really. The issue anymore is the reserved seats.
I did this with Raiders of the Lost Ark and the Empire Strikes Back. This was a moment of epic happiness.
TIL some people have never done this.
cameras silly
We used to do this all the time as kids, it’s called movie hopping. No minimum wage theater employee gives a shit about it, but in California at least, you’d technically be committing the crime of defrauding an innkeeper.
Used to work at theaters. The slowest day is Wednesday — for whatever reason.
Theaters are still the only place I know of that pay the base minimum wage. They will not care what you do. I have never been stopped. It’s basically the easiest job in the world, especially now that projection is just a computer click. Ushers don’t really roam the halls. If you actually wanted to theater hop for a free double feature no one would think to stop you as long as you act like you are supposed to be there.
Now with assigned seating you would want to come on a slow day — like Wednesday. Even if you are in someone’s seat then just be polite and move. Easy peasy.
Be courteous and buy some concessions because that is actually how theaters make money. Ticket sales go to Hollywood.
We did this as teenagers back in the day. This was before reserved seating was the norm so it was easier to do. However, we’d only do this to watch 2 movies. Doing 3 movies back to back is tiring.
My friend is a manager at a movie theater. I’ve joked about going to a second movie for free after mine was done, and she has always said that none of the employees care as long as (1) you don’t take someone’s reserved seat, and (2) you’re not being obnoxious and obvious about it.
Similarly they don’t care about people sneaking food in, again as long as you’re not in their face about it, and also as long as you clean up after yourself and throw out your trash.
Movies are already too long as it is. I wouldn’t have the stamina to watch two in a row.
We did this a years ago. One day we snuck into Aquaman… What we didn’t know was that we walked into the 3D version of the movie lol. I had to run out to get 3d glasses. There were 5-6 other people laughing because we all knew each of us had snuck in. What sucked was unknowingly I got A pair of kids glasses and it was very uncomfortable throughout the movie.
Preeeeetty much that, yeah- You COULD, but what, do you actually wanna sit in a theater for 5 hours without the ability to pause or get snacks comfortably? I just finished watching a movie with some friends in the comfort of my own home and my butt hurts, let alone if we went for another one!
This was the thing everyone did to see extra movies and get into rated R movies in high school
I remember doing this a couple times. One theater in particular was very lax about this. So between movies, we’d hit the restroom and then go to the other theater.
My parents used to do this in their 70’s
Oh sweet summer child.
I only did it once as a kid and once in my teens/twenties.
It’s almost expected that one of ten or twenty people will hop into another movie at some point.
They’re running the movie no matter what.
They’re making more bank on the concessions.
Buy a giant popcorn AND a giant soda and your guilt is assuaged.
The kids running the place don’t give a shite. At all. Ever.
When E.T. came out my mom took me to see it and we loved it so much that we stayed in the theater when it was over and watched the next showing of it immediately.
I did it all the time as a kid. Told my parents come get me in 10 hours lol
as a teenager me and my friends would pull a 2 movie flex from time to time. grew up during a time when movie theaters were a big deal for teenagers.
I did this with Wild Things and Titanic in 1998. Walked out of Wild Things. Saw titanic again.
Random thing I remember
Wild wild west came out thr same time as South Park the movie. Tray Parker and matt Stone joked that south park made wild wild west the highest grossing film of the year as kids where buying tickets for that then sneaking in to see South park
Got drunk and passed out in Ragnarok. Woke up, checked 2 other theaters showing it, found the spot I remembered then switched to that theater. As I was leaving I said “Holy shit, there’s a DBZ movie in theaters!?” Then I watched Brolly.
12 year I and 2 friends did a legendary movie marathon that way, back when the first matinee movie each day was almost free. 4 all time great movies came out the same summer. Best day ever.
I worked at a theater for my first job. The owner never left her office, and 16 year olds don’t give 2 shits what you do, just don’t spill your Icee all over the place.